
Short-term roadmap:

Expand our bidding

  • Launch of the external Bot in exchange for a subscription is a strategic move that can add value to the BidXBot project

  • Community feedback

The short-term roadmap is a BOT Bid X-oriented timeline and highlights parts of the First Season updates and release schedule.

We will deliver the first chapter of the BidXBot, and once the Auctions begin, updates to the BidXBot will become available.

Designing a simple system and launching it immediately after the token monetization phase will provide us with the advantage of avoiding unnecessary delays and integrating updates more organically.

Establishing a solid foundation will enable us to work together with our community to build upon it and advance the project's system towards a more complex and rewarding mechanics

Long-term vision

The long-term vision for BidXBot describes the project as an Automated, Community-Centric brand. Leveraging our experience, we plan to extend BidX beyond our initial project by evolving its artistic and utility umbrella. It will transform into a subscription-based Bot, with revenue-sharing opportunities for BidXBot holders.

Bid X Bot is designed to be powered by a community of collectors, auction enthusiasts, and individuals looking to diversify and grow their wallets with various projects that have previously caught their eye.

Our goal is for BidXBot to become a cornerstone in the MultiversX ecosystem, and our primary aim is for all communities of projects launched on this blockchain to utilize this automated work of art. BidXBot will not only serve as a symbol of the MultiversX ecosystem but also as a tool for community engagement and growth across various projects within the chain.

Last updated